Exit status of a last command

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First I want to bring your attention to this men :


This is widely used to catch the status of the execution of any command. If is a decent command must be return zero for a success and a nonzero value for error, failure, etc. I said decent because some tools like some option of curl or sqlplus, does not do that T_T

Success & Non Success

if you add $? exactly before of your line, you can get the exit status of that line. For example :

If your command is:

ls 145

Console message is : ls: cannot access ‘145’: No such file or directory

And if you execute this :

echo $?

Console shows you : 2. Which means an error, failure or something that did not end well.

But if your command is :

ls /tmp

And /tmp exist, console shows you a list of files and folders inside /tmp. And $? will have a 0 value which means success.

Here another example:


This is, unfortunately, not always the case


Some tools like sqlplus in case of success or error return 0 value. In this case, stdout or console message returned are the only way to detect if some command ends with success or failure.

Script mode

page_detect() {
  curl github.com

echo "exit status of curl command is:$(page_detect)"



if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then
	printf "success"
	printf "failed"

That’s it for today.

Until the next,
